Equity Residential is eliminating paper invoicing at our properties!
Join the revolution…
Please Note: An existing vendor means you are currently working for us, have submitted an invoice, and been paid in the last 6 months. If you meet all that criteria, please continue and register for OpsTechnology.
By January 1, 2013, our vendors will be required to invoice us using OpsTechnology, an independent company that allows vendors to send us invoices electronically via the internet. It also gives suppliers the option to receive orders electronically by uploading a catalog of services for properties to order from. Suppliers benefit from the use of OpsTechnology in several ways:
- Efficiency – Makes tracking invoices easy. In addition, users of Quickbooks can invoice properties directly using the OpsTechnology plugin.
- Money Saved – You will no longer need stamps, envelopes, paper, or printer cartridges to invoice us.
- Faster Payments – Many suppliers have stated that they receive faster payments with electronic invoicing, especially those utilizing ACH payments (electronic checks)
- Time Saved – Quickly transfer your Quickbooks data into your Ops account for payment. Plus, you will no longer need to mail, print, and file invoices you’ve sent.
OpsTechnology does charge fees for the use of its system. For our “Invoice Only” suppliers, the fees range from $1.25 – $4.00 per invoice, depending on the quantity you pre-purchase. Most of our suppliers fit into the lower fee structure, paying $2.00 or less per invoice. We already have hundreds of vendors currently using OpsTechnology, and most would agree that the benefits gained outweigh the costs.
Getting signed up is easy! Here’s how it works:
Getting signed up is easy! Here’s how it works:
- Please DO NOT REGISTER unless you are already working with Equity Residential, and have invoiced us in the last 6 months.
- Your registration code is equityinvoice
- If you already have an OpsMerchant account, email your company name and address to EquityVendors@eqr.com, and someone will contact you
- If you’re a national supplier, please email EquityVendors@eqr.com before registering
- If you’ve changed your corporate filings, tax information, or legal address, please email an updated W9 to PropertyAccounting@eqr.com
- Enroll in our ACH Program to have your payments directly deposited into your banking account
- Complete this form by clicking here and email to PropPayACH@eqr.com
- This is optional, but strongly encouraged
- ACH is no cost to you
- Shortly after registering, OpsTechnology will send you an email verifying your registration. You still cannot submit invoices at this point.
- Within 5 business days of registering, you will receive enablement requests in your OpsMerchant account. You must login and activate the accounts. PLEASE NOTE: The account numbers you must provide are for your use, and not assigned to you. They can be anything you would like, so long as each account number is unique.
Once you enable your accounts, you can begin invoicing us!
Should you have any questions, please contact us at: